Women in Word: Dr Jen McDerra in conversation with Sue Hill


Women in Word: Dr Jen McDerra in conversation with Sue Hill


'A Whole Lot of Rather Scummy Literary History that Hasn't Yet Come to Light'

Saturday 8th June, 2pm to 3.30pm, The Hypatia Trust, Chapel Street

 In the first part of this event Dr Jen McDerra will share the findings of her work recovering women's hidden contributions to books and broadcasting. Jen's doctoral research unearthed the innovative work by women at the BBC working in the Caribbean and reinstates for the first time the lost legacy of the BBC Literary Representative in Jamaica, Gladys Lindo. She will share with us the archival treasure hunt she went on from the BBC archives to Kingston, Jamaica which has been featured on BBC Radio 3.

Listen here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000xfcz


In the second half of this event Jen will be in conversation with Sue Hill about their shared commitment to unearthing and prioritising the lives and words of women in Cornwall.

The event includes a short interval and Q&A.

Dr Jen McDerra

Dr Jen McDerra is a writer and literary life historian who uses archives and oral histories to reunite women in books and broadcasting with their considerable achievements. Jen is the Creative Director of The Writers' Block here in Cornwall.

Sue Hill

Theatre-maker, gardener, writer, storyteller, mayven, maker of giants/goddesses/creatures out of mud, sticks and plants, Cornishwoman. Sue has travelled the world, making theatre in unlikely places with Kneehigh and WildWorks, from the Green Line in Nicosia to Kensington Palace, via Soweto and Scilly. With her brother, Pete Hill, she has made many large scale earth sculptures including the Mudmaid and Giant at Heligan and Eve at Eden. She was Artistic Director of the Eden Project for seven years. She is currently working on new Eden Projects planned for Dundee, Morecambe and Qingdao and researching the extraordinary adventures of Clara Vyvyan. She is an Honorary Fellow of Falmouth University and a Trustee of the Gardeners’ House project in Penzance



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